Sunday, December 25, 2005

Okinawan Glass Factory

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Road to Hana Waterfall

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Here he comes to save the day!!!!!

It's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's---------Nathan the Japanese Batman. Needless to say, Nathan had all of the Japanese tourist staring in awe when he climbed up to the Batman display that was located in the underground caverns. Pretty soon, they all were trying to follow his lead. We don't know, is that's a good thing or what? Posted by Picasa

Hawaiian Cave

A small crawl through entrance opened up into this huge cave Posted by Picasa

Hawaiian rainbow eucalyptus trees

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Here's Honoko

Our newest family member, Honoko means "little flame". She's a King Charles Spaniel. She's smart and friendly, loves to run and has the saddest, eyes and whimper when left alone. Posted by Picasa

Let freedom ring

We are enjoying the historical sites of DC. We're captivated by the beauty and history. We caught a Jazz concert by the Washington Monument and later met up with Shibu and Anit. A day later they had a lovely baby girl. Posted by Picasa

A man and his dog

This is from our stop in Washington, DC on our move to Okinawa. We said goodbye for a time to our faithful companion Zion. We miss him but he's enjoying his first snowfall with his grandparents in NY. Posted by Picasa

Sacred Pools

Here's Nathan's leap into the one of the seven sacred pools of Hana, Maui. Posted by Picasa

Here some fun videos (Not our own)

Click these links for some great entertainment

Parrallel parking
Pool tricks
Wizards of Christmas
Cheerleader scores 2
Family tree or circle?

Monday, December 19, 2005

If you can't tell, I am loving it here in Hawaii!!!!!!

Here is a small spot on the side of the road to Hana. Posted by Picasa

"I'm King of the Mountain!" Nathan proclaimed as waves crashed all around him.

We are on the Hana road and discover a really neat spot in the middle of a small Hawaiin villiage. Posted by Picasa

Adam and Eve have nothing on us in this Garden of Eden!

We are in Maui driving along the Hana road when we stopped at a little place called, the Garden of Eden. This spot really captured the true meaning of paradise! Posted by Picasa

Here is the trailblazer, boldly blazing a new trail!!!

Only Nathan will dare to go where hardly any man has gone before in the Garden of Eden, but look at the view that he found. Simply unbelievable and he doesn't look half bad if I do say so myself----lol. Posted by Picasa

Guess why I am smiling :-)

This is the garden of Eden because I put twenty-five cents into the bird feeding machine, got a handful of bird food and my quarter back too. It just doesn't get any better than this~! Posted by Picasa

What time is it? It's Luau Time!!!!

We attended a great luau on the lovely Kaanapali beach that served real, underground cooked, Hawaii pig. If you look closely, the pig is missing and Nathan is smiling. Yes, this is a happy and fully satisfied man here!!!! Posted by Picasa

Veni Vedi Vici!!!! This is latin for...........

We came, We saw, We conquered! Now we can sit and enjoy the view of the Haleakala Crater. Posted by Picasa

Someone surprised me with flowers at the top of Haleakala!

I don't know which was more beautiful. The view from the 11,000 ft. mountain Haleakala or my tropical bouquet of flowers from my handsome and romantic husband, Nathan. You're right, I'm the most beautiful because I have both! :) Posted by Picasa

Everyone requesting a profile shot of Baby Azlan----Here it is!!! :)

We are on our way to the top of Haleakala mountain. We stopped at Kula Lodge for a spectacular treat-----shrimp, avocado and gorganzalla cheese pizza. It really satisfied this pregant woman's craving that day!!! Posted by Picasa

We are sooooo high, we are looking down on the clouds

Posted by Picasa This is a view from half way up the almost 11,000 ft. mountain, Haleakala on the Hawaiin island called Maui. The view from here was simply breathtaking during every twist and turn of our drive.

There's nothing like a second honeymoon in Hawaii!

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